Sunday, August 17, 2008

About Candide in game show?

As much as an agressively honest political candidate would make me happy I would also enjoy very much seeing a game show participant answering the Pat Sejak or Howie Mandell traditional question inquiring if anybody special is in the audience by something else that "My wonderfully supportive Husband/Wife/Sweetheart and our beautifull Children."
It would be so refreshing to be informed that in the audience is the Stupid A...hole/Dumb and the assorted brats that made the life of the Contestant living hell for the last X years and that he/she is planning to drop the whole frikken bunch as soon as he/she hit the Jackpot!
I think that this candide attitude would bring the audience in complete empathie with the contestant.
Vea Victi!

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