Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Day reflexions.

I have this image, engraved deep in my memory. It is the image of a little guy; his nickname was “ John-John”. His Dad John Fitzgerald Kennedy was President of the United State.

I do not know if, on this day, John-John really fully understood what was really happening. Somehow, John-John was in the process of saying a last farewell to his assasinated Dad whose coffin was hidden under the Flag draped on the back of an artillery caisson. Soldiers Airmen and Sailors were giving a salute to the Fallen Commander in Chief.

There is always a lot of formal pageantry in the Last Farewell in military circles. A rigid and solemn motion expresses grief. The last Homage is no trivial expression; it is the solemn sign of respect for one who has paid the ultimate price in service of the Nation.

John-John, I am sure was not aware of all the traditions involved, but somehow, seeing all those proud soldiers giving this hard and strong salute a need came to join in and pay homage on that fashion, his hand raised to his forelocks and, I am sure that this moment his voice was silent but his heart was screaming a lot and an immense feeling of respect and sadness for loosing his beloved Dad was engulfing the precious child.

I have not been a child for a long time; I am what you would kindly describe as an older guy, in someways, a precursor of Baby Boomers by only a few years. Tomorrow on Memorial Day, however, I will not go shopping or try to take advantage of some special bargain; instead I will try very hard to catch the spirit of all the John-Johns of this nation. I will keep my words trivial and abstains of long boring speech but my heart will scream of the pain of the lost of all those who fell for their country and the pain of their loved one. I will try to find a quiet place where without being showy or conspicuous I can, like John-John raise my right hand to my forelocks in the old sailor salute and rend homage to their sacrifice.

Somehow if that can reach some place where they rest, may it bring them comfort,

If there is a God , may He receive my message and accept it as a prayer to keep those fallen and their loved ones in the kindness of His Special Attention. That will be my main task on Memorial Day.