Wednesday, April 1, 2009

From the pound

From the pound

Medical Day in the Inland Empire.

They’re something funky going on the upper left side of my heart and the lower left side of my diaphragm is not functioning normally. So basically my Liberal side is going to pot while my Conservative side is holding the fort! How humiliating! If I keel over I better keep away from the Kennedy’s and Roosevelt’s for fear of disapprobation and I be damned if Nixon’s people try to welcome me!

I have been running from one Doctor Office to the other all day with no result! Men! I need a Stimulus Package all for myself! I've been poked, ultra sounded, taped, stetoscopized and pressurized. I need a nice glass of decent Beaujolais! Chambertin, Pommard anybody?

I'm not really worrying: I'm not that important!